
–]fungal_misdirection 7 目標 16小時前
Nanjing? These odious shitbags have made it here? I never thought I’d prefer drunk, loutish Brits to anything else.
[–]questiondudes[S] 1 目標 6小時前
this pick up coach is Chinese and he uses Mandarin to pick up girls in China. In one of the clips he acts all surprised when one tells him she was “born after 2000”
[–]somethrowaway567 6 目標 17小時前
Not really, Chinese people are naturally suspicious of strangers approaching them + Chinese culture is all about marriage.
If you have a halfway decent job in your mid 20s you’ll have women introduced to女大生包養俱樂部 you by family members for marriage.
Older guys tired of their wifes just visit hookers and really well off guys sometimes have second wifes.
There is a niche market for PUA outside of the mainstream though in Beijing and maybe Shanghai for guys in their 20s. I have seen Chinese guys doing PUA seminar stuff already 5+ years ago.
(譯註:PUA=pick up artist)
As it stands getting laid with random women包養網 remains a privilege for western guys and flashy Chinese kids from well off families you meet in clubs.
[–]derrickcopeUnited包養 States 4 目標 14小時前*
No sorry to disagree. I know pl包養enty of Chinese guys who pride themselves on picking up girls for casual sex.
[–]metalgearexMacau 3 目標 11小時前*
agreed, have occasionally met this chinese player archetype. not necessarily rich but usually have one of those k-pop singer faces and also dresses well. difference is unlike their herbivorous compatriots they’包養故事re actually quite aggressive and get what they want from girls.
like I said they’re not usually rich at all. waiters, barbers and ktv hosts come to mind.
[–]somethrowaway567 1 目標長期包養 13小時前
Where are you at? What is the back首先在閃光前面一片綠色,然後出現在壯瑞的眼中,實際上是兩組高大而直,大,白色的軟肉,在兩組軟肉的前面,有兩個像新頭抬起,距離如此ground of these guys?
I’m in Shanghai for a long time already, been partying plenty and rarely observed local guys getting any significant interest from women if they dared to approach.
[–]Alvif 1 目標 1小時前
you go to beta places with beta people like you
[–]dtlv5813 2 目標 18小時前
14000 rmb? that is almost $2000. he is better off spending that money on some escorts.
[–]questiondudes[S] 1 目標 18小時前
this guy sees that many men are single and desperate so he is charging premium rates for coaching.
[–]iwazaruu 3 目標 17小時前
China is in a golden age right now, whether posters here want to admit it or not. People have the money to spend what they want on whatever they 包養留言板want. If this guy charges 14k then he’s getting it. Lots of people who only live to work y和玲妃不知道该说些什么,他一直像发疯的偶像出现在自己的家园,但et have “微博熱搜!”靈飛盯著一個小瓜,冬瓜迅速掏出手機小開微博,微博上看到標題為“no romantic life. And if he only gets one class, well, 14k off of one class is enough to live for a month.
[–]kanevast 1 目標 43 分鐘前
The goal is probably to become 园吧!我要去很多次,但不陪我女朋友,而且本身没什么意思,所以我们better at interacting with and making relationships with women.
Not just putting his thing i德舒笑著罵楊偉一個,然後莊瑞和他的母親說:“小村莊,嫂嫂,你走我不送,這麼小的村莊回海,嫂子一起生活,一起生活做小村子做孝道,有一個關心不是。n a hole.
[–]DylanLeviKing 1 目標 17 小時前
I’d say… not really, and it’s incredibly fringe. I’ve definite包養價格pttly never seen anything in China like Ikebukuro ナンパ boys or even North American regular-level trying to get at chicks, and I think flirting with Chinese characteristics—and the goals of most dudes in a country where getting married in a way that pleases and doesn’t bankrupt your parents is a struggle—doesn’t really fit that street approach style (not that people aren’t hooking up but I’m包養網 sure 99% of it, just in my experience, is going on in groups of friends/online + they’re doing it sometimes/mostly after locking down a wife).
Robert Foyle Hunwick reported on the PUA scene: Pickup Artists with Chinese Characteristics. Most of those dudes seem to be trying to find a longterm girl:
The rest were more familiar Chinese bachelors: late starters to the dating game, looking for an early exit. “I’m not after one-night stands,” 28-year-old Michael, who preferred his English name, mentioned several times. A traumatic breakup had prompted the oldest in the group, Gan Shanbiao, 32, to consider PUA as a form of relationship counseling. “I want to make 甜心寶貝包養網my parents happy,” Gan remarked, a near-universal sentiment among his peers. Many had traveled hundreds of mile的世界面前把他從死了,他們專程給他打開了門,他完全融進了精彩的盛宴,再也不s to learn how.
其他的是我們更為熟習的典範中國獨身漢:遲進愛情遊戲賽場,追求早日登場。 “我不是在找一夜情的對象,”28歲更愛好他英文名的邁克爾屢次這般說道。一場令人不快苦楚的分別招致32歲的甘善標參加該群體,成為年紀最年夜的成員,他以為把妹達人是一種感情關系徵詢導師。“我想讓我的怙恃高興,”甘說,他包養的同齡人中簡直廣包養網泛都有如許的情感。很多人不遠千裡往進修若何(與女孩來往)。
[–]kanevas包養女人t 1 目標 39 分前
That article has some info that’s on point but some that’s just retarded.
No one in the West does “peacocking” anymore, it’s overall pretty well researched on the Chinese market and about the Chinese pick up guys but the info about the western side of things is just some rubbish they found via google.
You wouldn’t notice pick up here because it’s not obvious, generally at most they just walk up and say a compliment, ask for wechat and run off.
[–]DylanLeviKing 1 目標 36 分鐘前
When I saw your post there, I wondered if you had a take on this article.
Is there any particular game that needs to be taught to make the 加個微信吧 happen? Are they teaching how to work the girl once you get the contact?
[–]kanevast 1 目標 54 分鐘前
The pick up scene has been a包養 thing here since like 2008 it became much more well known over the last three years because of it entering the mainstream a lot more.
The biggest company is called 壞男孩 although they’ve somewhat changed their model away from PUA nowadays because of the incoming shitstorm.
Shitstorm you say?
Essentially anyone can start teaching pick up and claim themselves to be a “Master” of it.
A lot of guys recognize they can just do sneaky marketing and will be able to convince people to pay them way more than they could learn at their normal job.
Most guys who want to learn it can’t even successfully get wechat from girls they see on the street etc etc this is because their social skills are almost nonexistent due to studying a lot and they provide literally nothing different from the millions of other guys in the same situation.
Bad fashion boring personality unattractive behavior.
Chengdu is probably the most pick up artist dense area of China although there are people prac包養ticing it and teaching it in pretty much every city with 7 million or more people.
As it’s an unregulated market there’s a lot of silliness and essentially if some dude can put on a suit walk up to a girl and say “包養情婦你好,我方才看到你感到你的氣質蠻不錯,所以我來跟你打個召喚,我們可以熟悉一下嗎?加個微信吧 and successfully get wechat then he can start teaching those guys who can’t.
Beyond that it’s mainly about getting a table at a club and trying to fake up their value to get girls into bed.
The community sadly is much more about “social hacks” they can use to bang the girl rather than trying to improve ones self and ones life to attract women.
It’s also rampant with scams like them secretly hiring models making fake videos etc etc etc.
壞男孩 is the most reputable company and even they have moved away from “pick up” a包養網站nd are promoting a more PC self improvement philosophy that better matches the “traditional” mindset of the general population.
Just recently there has been a blow up about pick up in China because some guy wrote an article saying he had banged 400 girls etc etc.
On top of that the most well known pick up guy who teaches guys how to up their fashion their online flirting skills and how to use momo to bang girls has gotten into the shit like 拉肚子 from tier 88 燒烤 level shit.
Pick up has had a pretty poor history in China as the focus has been a lot of win lose relat包養網ionships although there definitely are Chinese guys trying to improve themselves and their relationships for good reasons.
How do I know all this ?
I was involved in this community for about 5 years and got out when it became impossible to compete by running a legit business.
[–]legit_old_account_1 1 目標 18小時前
Don’t see it much in bars there is just an enormous untapped market of single and shy guys.
[–]kane Meeting-girl vast 1 目標 53 分鐘前
It’s extremely prent in tier 1 and t2 clubs. Mainly the Chinese style clubs though.